Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Sorry guys and gals. Was a few hours late in posting this. But anyways Merry Belated Christmas! And for the Jews out there Happy Hanukah. If I misspelled that please forgive me. For those that celebrate other traditions or holidays then let them be merry for you too. Hope everyone had a safe and fun filled weekend.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Flying to Virginia

Just wanted to let everyone know I will not be in town as of today till Friday night. I will be in Virginia for Kaeser School. Everyone have a good week while I am gone. Oh and this is my first time flying so wish me luck. Good bye.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Saw II debuts as blockbuster hit

Saw 2 killed the box office this weekend and for good reason. This movie was sadistically great. CJ ofcourse gave it one and a half stars but most other critics rated it good. EW gave it a B- and claimed it was possibly a hairline better than the first. I couldn't agree more. When the first came out it was the same but yet it was diffrent and original. It was something new, or at least not following the same premise of the horror movies that had been coming out. This one kept with the original in being a little diffrent from the rest and gave you more to be disgusted about. Yet again I cant wait for the sequel, something rare with me since I am so anti-sequel. If you havnt seen it the what are you doing. Go watch it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Not as good as the Original but pretty Damn close.... Johnny Depp did a Good Job as Mr. Wonka.

*** Star Review

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars 3

GO SEE IT!! Was a really good movie!! The best of the first three episodes.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Amityville Horror, The

Well I just looked at some critic reviews for the movie since we are supposed to go see it tonight at the theatres, Overall it got a C-!!! The New York Post gave it an F!! The best score came from the San Francisco Chronicle, B-. Well we shall see tonight how good it is. Anthony will be posting a review and then I will comment my thoughts on it after that. Hopefully the movie will turn out to be good. It has been awhile since I have seen a good scary movie.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Night Watch???

I just seen a Strange movie trailer it looks like it could be pretty good, Its like a mixture of Blade, The Matrix, Lord Of The Rings, and The Birds.

Check It Out Yourself -

It's Been A Looonnnggg Time...

Well I have been pretty busy lately, but tomorrow I am suppose to go see The Amityville Horror and I just got finished watching Sideways, so expect 2 new reviews very soon.

Anthony Taylor