Friday, September 10, 2004

"The Punisher"- Punishing To Watch????

Another Super Hero - Action Movie, yes it is, but it does come through for the fans. I'm not saying it compares to Spider-Man, but it's well worth the 123 mins you will be sitting in front of the T.V. Tom Jane does a good job portraying the revenge seeking Punisher, as John Travolta does and even better one as the very violent Howard Saint, and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is good to look at too. I do recommend this movie to all even if you've never picked up a comic book in your life.

"Anthony's Score 1-10"
" 8 "


At Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:05:00 PM, Blogger Kurtis said...

This movie was good, but not what I was expecting. For an action movie it was another run of the mill revenge flick. Plus if you go into it not knowing anything about the Punisher comics you will be a little disappointed in that he is not the type of superhero you are used to. Overall I give it 2 1/2 stars out of 4.


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