
Tagline: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Wes Craven is one of the best Directors in the business, is this one of his best films? No. I have been waiting to see this movie ever since I got word of it a few years back. It was suppose to come out a while ago but due to production problems, its just now making it to theaters. I read Wes' interview in Fangoria magazine and he told how he was pretty much forced into doing everyting he didn't want to do. Things like it having to be PG-13 and going back and starting over because the producers didn't like how the Werewolf looked and how the movie ended. But besides that he made a great effort.
This movie stars Christina Ricci (Ellie) and Jesse Eisenberg (Jimmy) as brother and sister, who are involved in a strange car accident, that changes their lives. After being attacked by the Wolf they realized that they now have the "Curse", and the only way to stop it, is to kill the beast that started it.
Cursed - ***
(New Five Star Scale)
i would rate the film a 3 out of 4. it wasnt one of wes' greatest films but it was decent. i will admit though it was kinda cookie cutter type of movie and that isnt something i expect from wes. his movies are generally new and exciting. at the same time they all have alot in common. the latter happened in this film a few times. i do understand at the same time he didnt have as much liberty with this movie as he might usually have which is disappointing since it is coming from one of the masters of horror. i think he has a good idea what makes a good scary movie. the actors did a good job and their was some good plot twist though some were predictable. for instance the boyfriend is always involved somehow. overall the movie was worth seeing at the cinemas and spending the money on the tickets. so go out and enjoy.
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